Former student allegedly abused by five staff members at Geelong Grammar

A former Geelong Grammar student says his life has been “blighted” after allegedly being abused by five different staff members.

Jarred, not his real name, attended Geelong Grammar for five years in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

He was allegedly sexually abused by now-convicted pedophile Jonathan Harvey, who was a teacher at the time, and school doctor David Brian Mackey, who has since died after pleading guilty to charges of indecent assault.

Jarred also allegedly experienced physical abuse at the hands of two other teachers and another staff member.

More than 50 years after his time at the school, he is now making a claim against it with law firm Arnold Thomas and Becker.

Abuse lawyer at Arnold Thomas and Becker, Kristen Wright, said Geelong Grammar had admitted there were no formal policies in place specifically aimed at preventing the occurrence of child sexual abuse at the time.

She said two other teachers had allegedly witnessed Jarred being physically abused.

“No action was taken by Geelong Grammar and the perpetrators remained at the school,” she said.

Read more about this media story.

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