Former Warrnambool schoolboy launches fresh legal action over Christian Brothers conduct

A former Warrnambool schoolboy has launched fresh legal action against the Christian Brothers alleging a school headmaster was negligent in failing to report child sex abuse.

The victim, Andrew, not his real name, was sexually abused by John Laidlaw when he was a teacher at a Christian Brothers college in the small country town in 1966.

Laidlaw was last year sentenced in the County Court to seven years and seven months behind bars, with a non-parole period of three years, after pleading guilty in June to historic sex offences against Andrew and five others.

Andrew has come forward alleging the school’s headmaster Brother Williams failed to report sexual abuse to Victoria Police in 1966, despite his mother complaining about the abuse.

In a statement of claim filed to the Supreme Court, the victim alleges the Christian Brothers failed to take investigative and disciplinary action in respect of actual knowledge of sexual abuse at institutions run by the brothers.

Arnold Thomas & Becker lawyer Nicole Elliott-Struth, who is representing Andrew, said: “Our client suffered abuse at the hands of a man who was in a position of power and whom our client was supposed to be able to trust.”

“Instead of providing care and reasonable discipline, Laidlaw exploited this position of authority for his own predatory gains,” Ms Elliott-Struth said.

“Leadership of the school were well aware of complaints about Laidlaw and ought to have known the risk he posed to vulnerable young children.

“It is not an easy thing to share such a traumatic experience. Our client is hoping that by pursuing legal action he can find some closure and help other survivors summon the courage to come forward.”

Read more about this media story.

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