Mario lost his leg when an inattentive driver crashed into him

A motorbike rider who lost his leg in a senseless crash caused by an oblivious motorist hopes his painful story might save lives.

Mario Attard, 58, set out for his routine ride on his motorbike to Supercheap Auto in Melton, west of Melbourne, on August 11 last year when his life changed forever.

The experienced rider had been coming through an intersection with green lights on High Street when he was struck by a driver performing an illegal turn.

Mr Attard doesn’t remember much from there, as he died three times in the ambulance, and upon arrival at hospital he had surgery to amputate his leg.

October is Motorcyclist Awareness Month, which has inspired Mr Attard to come forward in the hope motorists begin to pay more attention to riders on the road.

‘Drivers watch riders, and riders watch drivers. During rehab, I was alarmed at how many other people there were rebuilding their life again following injuries caused by road accidents and I’m passionate about making change,’ he said.

‘I forgive the driver who hit me. It was an accident; wrong place, wrong time. He covered my leg with his jacket, he screamed for help, and he didn’t leave my side. But I have to live without my leg for the rest of my life and it didn’t need to happen like this,’ he said.

Arnold Thomas & Becker lawyer Maggie Attalla, who is representing Mr Attard with a Transport Accident Commission claim, said her client’s story was timely reminder that riders are one of the most vulnerable users of our roads.

‘People often miss motorbike riders in their blind spots, or because they’re expecting to see a car. When you get behind the wheel you have to be vigilant and remember you’re not only responsible for yourself, but also the lives of those around you,’ she said.

‘And as a driver, you don’t want to be responsible for the injury, or worse, the life of another person. The ripple effects of these accidents reach far and wide.

‘Mario’s life is forever changed. While he has an amazing attitude about what has happened to him, he still faces adapting to a life without his leg as well as the psychological trauma that he will live with forever.’

Read more about this story on the Daily Mail.

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