Victoria Police pay out $42m in legal settlements over past five years Victoria Police has paid out more than $42 million in civil settlements and legal costs over the past five years, with payouts for bad behaviour rising amid a significant drop in public satisfaction with the force. The details – and number – of the cases remain secret, but the blowout in financial settlements has renewed calls for an independent police oversight body. The settlements cover a suite of misconduct claims including unlawful searches, illegal arrests, false imprisonment, assault and harassment. Kim Price from Arnold Thomas & Becker said it was critical Victoria Police was transparent about how much it spent settling civil litigation cases. “There’s a significant public interest knowing what Victoria Police’s misconduct is costing the taxpayer,” Price said. “It’s unnecessarily costly, often re-traumatising for the victims, and not conducted in a way a model litigant, such as Victoria Police, is obligated to do.” Read more about this media story. Contact us Have you been injured as a result of someone else’s actions or negligence? You may be entitled to compensation. For more information or to talk to a lawyer, call us on 03 9034 8433.